Birthday Number - 30th - Vigour

Character, possibilities
These people have great creative imagination and a brilliant mind. They first think about the problem and then makes a decision. They have radical views on life. They are inventive. They are charming.
Communication is important in their romantic relationships. They can work hard in order to achieve comfortable lifestyle. They do several things at once. They have a special philosophical way of thinking. They tend to help those who suffer. They are warm, friendly and they have a sense of humour. They are social, lively, active, adaptable and creative. They often like to sleep.

Weaknesses, what should be learned
These people usually do not accept failure. They cannot tolerate mediocrity. Everything is fun to them. They like to be the centre of attention and they are eccentric. They look for faults in other people. Sometimes they unnecessarily waste their energy and do not finish what they started. They lack self-confidence. They put others down with criticism. They can abuse their good qualities for achieving something they want from life. They have a complicated personality and it is difficult to understand them and get them to talk. In some ways they may be tyrants. They are calculating and they have a sharp tongue. They tend to manipulate others. They are insensitive, shallow and easily distracted. They gossip and blame others. Beware of jealousy, quarrels, conflicts, and confusion in life. They are messy and lazy; sexual imbalance.