Birthday Number - 28th - Divergence

Character, possibilities
These people are independent and try to succeed. They are guided by their emotions and only then by reasoning. Romantic relationship and family ties are important. They have a sense of humour. They like to have everything under their control. They decide things for themselves.
They defend their rights with vigour. They are gentle, loving, warm and caring. They rather do something themselves then ask others to do it. They have many friends and acquaintances. They are interested in everything progressive and modern. They have a talent for doing business. They are dynamic and ambitious people. They are bright and they make decisions quickly. They are straightforward, open and intelligent. They appreciate cooperation and encourage other people.

Weaknesses, what should be learned
These people are passive, insensitive, stubborn and impulsive. Usually they cannot be restricted or forced to do anything. They have doubts about their abilities. They are irritable, argumentative, aggressive and dominant. They may be lonely. Sometimes they are angry and spiteful. They are vulnerable and closed. They negatively affect other people. They are explosive and unpleasant. Beware of dictatorial tendencies. They insult and boss other people around. They are hypersensitive and inflexible.