Name Numerology - Free Online Calculator

Each letter has a numerical vibration. To determine the vibration of a name, it is necessary to convert each letter to a digit. Next, add up the digits and reduce the total to a single-digit number or a Master number (Master numbers are 11 and 22).
Name numerology
(Pythagorean conversion chart)
Example: THOMAS SEEKER - how to calculate »

Name numerology - Free Online Calculator

Full name at birth:
Name Numerology

Name Number (Destiny Number)

Name Number is derived from all of the letters of your full name at birth.
Describes our character and inner strength.

Soul urge number (Heart's desire)

Soul urge number is derived from the vowels of your full name at birth.
Describes our inner ideals and hidden desires.

Personality number

Personality number is derived from the consonants of your full name at birth.
Describes the real value of our character.