Birthday Number - 13th - Vulnerability

Character, possibilities
These people are independent and ambitious. They are loyal, open and responsible. They are faithful to their partner. They works hard to get material security.
They are practical and reliable. They always look for new opportunities and goals. They are good leaders. They like to have a responsibility. They are flexible, creative and active. Their work becomes their hobby. They are able to inspire others and create a home atmosphere.
They are vulnerable. The influence of a dominant person (a parent, a partner or a relative) becomes evident. They lack self-confidence. They should avoid routine and monotone activities.

Weaknesses, what should be learned
These people are quick-tempered. Sometimes they feel useless. They get offended easily and they are irritable. Sometimes they may say very hurtful things. Beware of explosions of anger and conflicts. Beware of confusion in life and extreme attitudes - e.g. they either love or hate someone. They try to get their own way without trying to find a compromise. They take unnecessary risks. Beware of dependence on e.g. food, alcohol, drugs, sex, medicines, etc. They may start arguments and make scenes.