Birthday Number - 24th - Kindness

Character, possibilities
These people are very friendly, helpful and caring. They are sensitive, gentle, generous and kind. They have a methodical approach and are practical. They like harmony and beauty.
Family life is very important to them. They are persistent and they have good organizational skills. They are systematic, efficient, diligent and constructive. They have a good heart and they try helping others. They try to reach an agreement with others and they are good negotiators. They are romantics. They may have a musical talent.
They are convinced that everything happens in its due time. They are inclined to delay finding a solution to a problem. They take time to make decisions and they think carefully about the problem before they decide. They take their duties too seriously. They rely on other people. Their welfare, prestigious job or similar things are very important to them.

Weaknesses, what should be learned
These people are secretive, hasty, irritable, hypersensitive and insecure. They may experience failure and betrayal. Watch out for work under stress. Beware of depression and emotional outbursts. They are moody and cranky. Sometimes they are passive or lazy.