Birthday Number - 15th - Courage

Character, possibilities
These people are perceptive, sensitive and independent. They are ambitious, active and energetic. They have courage. They are proud and hardworking. They are creative. They are caring and kind. Family is everything for them.
These people sometimes express their opinions directly without inhibitions. They like money, popularity and luxury. They want to get richer. They also like freedom and life without restrictions. They are communicative and funny and they appreciate beauty.
They want to try everything. They guard their privacy. They are obsessed with work, making money or with nutrition. They should learn to accept realistic commitments.

Weaknesses, what should be learned
These people are rebellious. They do not tolerate stress well. It is difficult to get to know them. They spend a lot of money and they lead an extravagant life. They are sentimental. Sometimes they explode and become rude. Beware of emotional imbalances. Sometimes they like to create extreme life situations. They may like drinking etc. They are unbending and revengeful. They are stubborn in the pursuit of their intentions. Beware of anger, malice, and accusations of others.