20 October 2002 - Numerology report

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Date of Birth:
Lifetime Report - 20 October 2002
20 October 2002 = 20.10.2002
20.10.2002 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 2 = 7

Character, possibilities:
These people prefer mental work. They want to realise their potential and work hard in order to improve themselves. They need friendship in their life. Their marriage can be complicated because they want to be independent. There are unexpected changes in their lives. Do not force anything. In order to succeed it is necessary to communicate with others, experience life, and develop self-confidence. Friendships and relationships play a major role. Implementation of material goals is difficult, even if money come in unexpected ways. They are often diligent students; they may have rich spiritual life or go on a long journey. They feel good in the countryside, in the mountains or by the sea. These people may have different healing talents e.g. physical, emotional or spiritual.

Weaknesses, what should be learned:
Watch out for excessive pessimism and curtness. Sometimes this person is too proud and inaccessible. Beware of loneliness and lack of realism. Impartiality is important.
Character, possibilities:
These people are sensitive, loyal and kind. their partner is very important to them. Love relationship plays an important role. They are patient. They need love and tenderness. They seek harmony.
They are careful, open and caring. They are compassionate and they like to work with other people. They are good at resolving disputes because they are trying to reach an agreement. They are tolerant, reflexive and modest.
They find it hard to be alone. They have strongly defined attitude toward others. They are moody.

Weaknesses, what should be learned:
These people may lose their self-control. They are irritable and bad-tempered. Beware of stress because it causes health problems. They are impatient and nervous. They change their mind often. Beware of emotional confrontations and emotional manifestations. They are indecisive and they often experience profound sadness. They are fearful, manipulative and vulnerable.
Arrow of Frustration/Saturn

Empty Arrow 4-5-6 (Arrow of Frustration/Saturn)

(Empty arrow is most commonly considered as a weakness, which creates challenges in your life. However it can be considered as a strength as well.)
These people can have very strong experiences in the area of interpersonal relationships, financial security and health. Problems may arise if they have to deal with their fame or power. They have to go through a test of patience and perseverance in life.
Arrow of Hesitation/Dedication

Empty Arrow 7-8-9 (Arrow of Hesitation/Dedication)

(Empty arrow is most commonly considered as a weakness, which creates challenges in your life. However it can be considered as a strength as well.)
These people have an increased ability to conform herself to certain goals. Their personality can shine in certain field. They have the ability to use of spiritual energy for the benefit of humanity.
Arrow of Poor Memory/Inspiration

Empty Arrow 3-6-9 (Arrow of Poor Memory/Inspiration)

(Empty arrow is most commonly considered as a weakness, which creates challenges in your life. However it can be considered as a strength as well.)
These people are possible to draw knowledge from higher levels. New knowledge will be unselfishly passed on to all people. These people will need to create conditions for a balance between the emotional and mental energy.
Arrow of Skepticism/Vision

Empty Arrow 3-5-7 (Arrow of Skepticism/Vision)

(Empty arrow is most commonly considered as a weakness, which creates challenges in your life. However it can be considered as a strength as well.)
These people are generous and perceptive. They are able to see so far ahead that some people consider it unusual. They use their intuition and can easily understand their dreams and premonitions. They have a high emotional strength and courage. They are able to endure a great ordeal before giving up her ideals. They have no doubt about how to act.
Report for current period
1) Personal Year until next birtday (Until: October 20, 2025):
2 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 11

2) Personal Year since next birthday (From: October 20, 2025 - To: October 20, 2026):
2 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3

Lessons of this Personal Year can be very spiritual in nature and under its influence people can attract inspirational energy at a higher level, and then they can use this energy to inspire others. These lessons or opportunities to learn usually happen in stormy situations that always occur during the first three months of the period, that is, within three months of your birthday.

If you've read this far then you know about my scepticism with which I see the subtle differences between vibrations eleven and two. If there is an aspect that proves to me that there is a real difference between them, then it is this one. In the first quarter of Personal Year 11 there is a turn which does not occur during Personal Year 2; then, when the stirred up dust settles again, the following nine months of Personal Year 11 pass calmly and uneventfully and they suspiciously remind us of Personal Year 2.

During this period people get the chance to affect more subtle and hidden emotions of everyone they meet. They can also develop their intuitive skills to the point that they can detect and bring to the surface feelings that others are not able to express.

In the course of Personal Year 11 people will have the ability to recognize and release the latent qualities and opportunities of everything they encounter, and if they can patiently and comprehensively make use of everything they see around them, they will also be able to help others realize their dreams.

This year any stress will have very exhausting effects, but people who can use the intuitive features of Personal Year 11 to show friendliness and offer a helping hand may get a great satisfaction.